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Competitive gaming to become more mainstream


Members of Kennesaw State’s competitive video gaming club, eSports, say they plan to expand and connect with more players on the Marietta campus in the wake of Georgia State University’s offer to award scholarships to eSports players.

GSU is now offering $1,000 scholarships to the top ten students to make it onto one of their two new varsity eSports teams, according to 11Alive. Cecilia Nguyen, the president of Kennesaw eSports, said the new scholarships are a huge step forward for eSports in Georgia, and she believes competitive gaming will continue to grow rapidly.

“I think that eSports will definitely become more mainstream in the future,” Nguyen said. “As of right now, I think that people are having a hard time accepting it as a career because they just see it as playing video games. People will come to change their minds in the future once those big tournaments expand from just streaming online.”

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